Succulent Bouquet


Say “Hello” with succulents. Succulent bouquet is a beautiful alternative to fresh flowers. This bouquet is long lasting and low maintenance, not to mention a totally unique gift.

The best part is - all succulents can be planted in a pot or your garden - everlasting memory of your special occasion.

All succulents in the bouquet are individually wired with a florist wire and tied together in a creative arrangement. Some bouquets are fully wrapped in a satin ribbon - there is no need for water in the vase. If the stems are left exposed (eg we used a delicate fresh flower or foliage) then you can place the bouquet in water - just covering the exposed stems.

Each bouquet is a unique creation using succulents that are subject to availability and foliage that is local and seasonal. Not one bouquet is completely identical to the last but each one has at least 10 good sized succulents that can be then planted in a pot or your garden.

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Say “Hello” with succulents. Succulent bouquet is a beautiful alternative to fresh flowers. This bouquet is long lasting and low maintenance, not to mention a totally unique gift.

The best part is - all succulents can be planted in a pot or your garden - everlasting memory of your special occasion.

All succulents in the bouquet are individually wired with a florist wire and tied together in a creative arrangement. Some bouquets are fully wrapped in a satin ribbon - there is no need for water in the vase. If the stems are left exposed (eg we used a delicate fresh flower or foliage) then you can place the bouquet in water - just covering the exposed stems.

Each bouquet is a unique creation using succulents that are subject to availability and foliage that is local and seasonal. Not one bouquet is completely identical to the last but each one has at least 10 good sized succulents that can be then planted in a pot or your garden.

Say “Hello” with succulents. Succulent bouquet is a beautiful alternative to fresh flowers. This bouquet is long lasting and low maintenance, not to mention a totally unique gift.

The best part is - all succulents can be planted in a pot or your garden - everlasting memory of your special occasion.

All succulents in the bouquet are individually wired with a florist wire and tied together in a creative arrangement. Some bouquets are fully wrapped in a satin ribbon - there is no need for water in the vase. If the stems are left exposed (eg we used a delicate fresh flower or foliage) then you can place the bouquet in water - just covering the exposed stems.

Each bouquet is a unique creation using succulents that are subject to availability and foliage that is local and seasonal. Not one bouquet is completely identical to the last but each one has at least 10 good sized succulents that can be then planted in a pot or your garden.

- Shipping to VICTORIA, NSW and QLD only
- Delivery metro Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula
- available on Saturdays and Sundays
- Free pick up

Due to strict quarantine laws we are unable to ship/deliver live plants to Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), Tasmania (TAS) and the Northern Territory (NT).

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